Join Professional Spirit Medium, for a special Bridging Love from Heaven, VIP Message Event! In this event, Jodi will use her gifts in spirit communication to bring through messages from your loved ones in heaven. Sharing evidence provided from the Spirit World, proving love is eternal and life is everlasting to everyone attending.
What to Expect!
Readings are a wonderful way to heal your heart, alleviate grief and sadness through connections with your loved ones in heaven. Jodi understands your heartache, and grief and the importance these heavenly connections mean to those who have experienced loss. Jodi has created an event, to provide both healing and messages for everyone attending.
As a healer and spirit medium, Jodi will take time with her clients, to ensure everyone is comfortable and using her gifts in healing, will create a space where you will feel relaxed and open. She will then set her intention with you , and the Spirit World and enter into a light trance, where she will then connect with the highest consciousness and invite your loved ones in heaven to come through. During this time, she will deliver what she calls evidence to the recipients, providing continuity of life and healing to the heart. While she is connecting with your loved ones, many feel the healing and love from their loved ones. Grief is transformed in love, leaving the sitters with a feelings of peace and love.
Book your ticket at
Light Refreshments Served!
$75 per person
****Please contact Jodi with any food allergies.