Viva Fall River

Community Tax Resources

Feb 25, 2022 | Small Business

VITA at Citizens for Citizens

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) grant program is an IRS initiative designed to support free tax preparation service for the underserved through various partner organizations. This service helps low- to moderate-income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers file their taxes each year.

Appointment Booking at Citizens for Citizens started on January 18 in Fall River. Program officially starts the first week of February. On or after January 18, call 508-679-0041 and ask for the tax department to make an appointment.

For more information visit the Citizens for Citizens website here.

United Way’s MyFreeTaxes is Live

You can easily file your taxes using from your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

Just upload a picture of your W-2 to autofill your information. The platform guides you through the process to guarantee you get your maximum refund.

Run into challenges? Contact the Helpline to talk to a real person trained by the IRS. MyFreeTaxes’ Helpline is open from 10 am-6 pm EST daily to clarify things like filing status.

MyFreeTaxes is available in English and Spanish.

AARP Tax-aide Volunteers at Fall River City Hall

AARP Tax-aide volunteers will prepare taxes in the Atrium of Fall River City Hall Monday through Friday, until April 19. When City Hall is closed for any reason there will be no tax preparation that day.

Taxpayers need to use the Sullivan Street entrance to sign up for and receive this service. From 8:45AM until 9:00AM each day taxpayers will be given an appointment to have their return prepared.

Taxpayers must bring all tax documents with them in order for the return to be properly completed. Additionally they are encouraged to bring the previous two year’s tax returns.

Taxpayers will be required to wear a mask while in the building.